Patch's Website is Under Construction

I'm Patch!

- any/all

- cybersecurity major

- i play video games and draw sometimes

Original Characters (more to be added later)

Buddy (WIP)


Originally a low-ranking member of a planet-conquering faction in a far-off galaxy from our own, this extraterrestrial was sent on their first mission; to conquer a small, insignificant planet. However, things took a turn for the worst when their ship's auto-navigation malfunctioned, and they flew directly into a black hole. Miraculously, they survived this encounter and were spat out the other side into our galaxy, crash-landing on Earth.

Initially, they intended on taking over Earth to please their overlords, but making contact with them using the materials at hand would've been a monumental task. As time went on, they began to realize that they were woefully unequipped to subjugate the planet, and eventually discovered that humans are actually kinda chill. They quickly fell in love with their culture and art, and were given the nickname "Buddy" by the people around them (since no one could speak their real name). Soon enough, Buddy was embracing the very world they planned on dominating.

Art Gallery

by @memorygoround by @TheSpadesOfMist


things i see

stuff i hear

Before You Follow (BYF)

Before You Follow

- multifandom
- rt heavy

Do Not Interact

dni if you are any of these things

racists, proshippers, maps and terfs

if you're weird or vent in my dms without me knowing you well i might just block you tbh